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Producer, rapper, curator and mentor- is often referred to as an OG in the city of Charlotte. Although MAF is no longer a Charlotte resident, his influence & connection to the Charlotte creative scene past & present remains in the hearts and minds of those who have come in contact with him. MAF is the essence of the concept of growth & evolution; he is one who can flawlessly float between being both a student & a teacher- humbly & cheerfully sharing all the lessons with his peers. MAF is what we call the true definition of an artist: continuously evolving, never complacent, demonstrating and expressing oneself free of limitations. 

If you can’t tell already, MAF is highly regarded-we have him to thank for offering and opening up his Brooklyn home for the GOTHIKAMAG Editor in Chief to come visit. At this point, family seems to be more fitting of a title for him than friend. 

Whether you know him as MAF or by his alias Brother Aten, or whether you know him to be part of the Nekoma Void Project- you KNOW Him as a master creative who creates form himself who now gives back to the artist community by providing knowledge and tools for the up and coming to succeed. 

With his humble demeanor & his astounding ability to explore and relocate & see the world, 

He’s been a tremendous inspiration in how Many Of us carry ourselves in real life situations. 

MAF is one of those people that will never understand the impact that He has on someone’s life. Maybe this issue of GOTHIKAMAG will help him see just how much he’s appreciated.    - Mariah Scott

How would you describe your journey from NC to London to NY? Which place was more fulfilling? 
 would describe that journey as overall fulfilling, scary, and a learning experience.  


I went to London expecting things to work out, I had it all planned out.  Nothing went according to plan. 
 Everything failed but I met some great people there that taught me valuable things.  
My trip to NY was completely unplanned but it worked out so well.  

Would you consider yourself a lot more happier in NY? 


I definitely place, living in NY as one of the happiest times in my life.  
I also know that this is so because my life led me here and would not be what it is without the other times.

Who is Tektite Illah to Brother Aten? 


Tektite Illah is a character I developed for a graphic novel many years ago. 
I also made a concept album based mostly on that character's life and perspectives.  
In that story, the character had a brother named Aten.  Aten died in the story and  Brother Aten music is a dedication of sorts to this person. 
I see myself more Tektite Illah than Aten.

What was the approach to the track “Thrones” from the Nekoma Void Project?


Thrones is about putting yourself back together after a loss. The lyrics speak specifically about the loss one feels when betrayed or when the connection to someone is severed.

Does the fact that the majority of black consumers don’t understand the cultural background of House music annoy you? 
(How does it feel when you hear black people say “Black House music”?) 

I am not annoyed by that, I was once a person who had to learn about what the roots of the music were.  
I am frustrated by those that benefit from spreading ignorance.

When it comes to staying consistent, what advice would you give artists that are considered “alternative” or “unconventional?

I have no idea what it means to stay consistent.  I think that anyone that knows me might debate the trait.  
I am consistently doing me but not consistent in sharing me.  Maybe that's my advice to someone else, 
be consistent in self, and share consistently.  Don't hold back.

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